Monday, May 16, 2011

Learn from pain...

Today's quote:
Every celebrities have their on story so do the other normal individuals,
we saw their successiveness and we think they are fortunate.
However we never know how much effort each of them spent to earn it.
It may be painful, toilsome, risky, etc.
We shall not envious with the other's life, envious on the other's luckiness and successiveness.
Because each of us is an unique different individuals,
nobody share the same life story,
and nobody knows how much hard work has each of them put on.
Our life is in our hand.
so we shall work hard to create our very own story,
be brave and ready to hand on big responsibility because we have grown up.
Is so true that every successful person has a painful story,
and every painful story has a successful ending...
work hard and get over the pain!
remember success in not far from view =)

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