Monday, May 30, 2011


无聊的时候google serach 到了这个说的不错的话语...


當你心情不好的時候, 為什麼不出去走一走?
也許和許多陌生人擦身而過 也許你會找一點意外的溫柔
當你心情不好的時候, 為什麼不讓自己換個方式過活?
也許會聽到許多不同的聲音 也許你會得到一點意外的收穫 曾經走過的,
就不必再回頭 曾經擁有的,也不必怕失落 抬頭是星光燦爛的天空
腳下是各種方向的軌道 我們只是宇宙上打轉的星球 在每個可能相遇的時刻分手 在每個可能遠離的時候回頭
當你心情不好的時候, 為什麼不出去走一走?
陽光的道路會越來越溫暖 你的心情會被風吹的膨脹
當你心情不好的時候, 為什麼不讓自己換個方式過活?
狹窄的空間會越來越開闊 你的心靈會得到更多的舒展
人在通過生命的急轉彎時, 必須放棄自己的一部份, 讓新的東西進來



Friday, May 27, 2011

happiest moment on today ^^

haha got a good news not long ago after i posted out my sorrows...
God really treat me good enough ^^
and i always believe bad luck always followed with good ones.
sadness will never be permanent but is come with joy...
I'am happy because i get my first choice for my Final Year Project and the most important thing is i get to group with Siow Woon!!
Never thought things can be that smooth..
worried on beforehand is just useless and meaningless!!
although have decided not to choose experiment based project but a survey on the very first place, yet i still chose experiment haha
what a shame!! breaks own principle! hahaha
anyhow still feel happy for myself and wishing me very good luck on it =)
it is gonna be a long way through after this..

a note to myself...

Dear me:

please step out from the emo-ness and sorrowful
things happened are unchangeable so dun waste the tear on it...
is not worthy.

Monday, May 23, 2011






第二次是拿到有蟑螂的厕纸..吓倒马上把整个厕纸丢掉结果厕纸湿掉了 ==”





Wednesday, May 18, 2011

one sticky candy pleaseee~~~

Is sticky candy that awesome and palatable???
seeing friends comment and discuss until it is like a heavenly made candy =="
really wonder...
hope to try on some..
they say the fruity flavour is rich when smell and taste..
okay, can imagine that..
yet still wondering...
izzit that niceeeee???
Alright! DECIDED!!
i will head on to pavilion next week and grap one for tasting hehehe
will buy if i fall in love with it

Home alone~

Last day of being parasites...=(
am too comfortable with the piggy lifestyle and yes am in severe sedentary lifestyle now =P
Well everyone gone for work early morning and left me alone at home..
luckily daddy cooked barley+pumpkin soup yesterday for today's breakfast!!
start loving pumpkin recently due to its nutritional values and gets well adapt with its slight sweet taste and slurry texture hehe
and i realized pumpkin is not only for jack-o-lantern, it can be tasty when prepared with suitable ingredients =)

Pumpkin is great for skin as well!!woman gonna loves it haha
It is rich in antioxidants such as Vitamin A (beta-carotene) and C, alpha-hydroxy-acids where helps to reduce aging signs. Besides that, it contained extremely rich dietary fiber and is low in calories!!
While for barley, i take as a rice substituent as it is low Glycemic Index food with high fiber as well as vitamin&minerals as compared to white rice.

Both pumpkin and barley will give a good combination sweet soup for a sunny hot day like today^^

it is a simple recipe,
  • soak barley for around 3hrs.
  • trim pumpkin and cut it to any size as it would be slushy when cook
  • add adequate water and cook with pressure cooker(around 30mins)
  • normal stove cooker can be use as well just needed longer time
  • add in rock sugar according to own preference
  • if prefer a slurry or smoother soup, blend the pumpkin and barley either before or after cooking
  • and it is ready to serve =)
lazy to snap picture and upload so stolen a photo from net =P

it is something similar with the picture,
just that it uses china barley while mine is normal barley
and rock sugar is added instead of wolfberry.
anything can be used as sweetener for own preference,
winter melon sugar is another option as well.
give a try with this recipe if u are a pumpkin lover =)

Loving u every minute ^^

My cat is sick! argh...
She got teary eye...
wish there is eye drops for cat..
is there any?
i feel compassion on her...
we, human being can have all sorts of choices and solution when we get sick.
how about animals?
they cant bring themselves to a veterinary!
what i saw is she become inactive, cleaning her eye with her palm, and sleep..
however it did not turn better when she woke up..
it is still teary...
i wipe off for her and saw red conjunctiva (izzit call conjuctiva for cat?)
sob..i hope i can do something for ya...
get well soon ok my dearie cat?
Love you always~

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

happy Wesak ^^

Ahhaa~HAPPY HOLIDAY!! =^^=
Since our lecturer canceled the class on Monday, i get 6 days holidays in a roll hehehe
Spent whole morning with my beloved mummy to mall
and today, since the sun hide off, making the day cooler,
i decided to shampoo my car and vacuum it ^^
though is tiring but i enjoyed doing so =)
pour out car shampoo add water form bubbles and WASH WASH WASH~
until it shines hahaha
i'm satisfied with my job!
cuz is another way of doing exercise while cleaning car~
killed 2 birds with 1 stone ;)

special Wanton Noodles at Kuchai Lama

Went Kuchai Lama that day and tried on homemade Wantan Noodles at
It is a special Wanton Noodles as the noodles is produced in traditional way,
which using bamboo to knead the flour instead of machineries.
They added in omega eggs to give rise for the colour instead of adding alkaline.
And due to all these reasons the noodles is so much different than the normal hawker's Wanton Noodles. The noodles is more fine and resilient. Its more chewy than the common one.
While waiting for noodles to be serve, you can also have a look on how they produce the noodles.
cuz the noodles making room is built with glasses =)
i don't dare to snap a picture...
scare of feeling awkward and afraid of glancing from the o
Here are some of the pictures copied from other's web:
okay i admit it is nice and lovely though the price is a bit higher than normal...
but at least the noodles is made in a healthier way,
no preservatives added!!
do have a try for the Wanton Noodles lover,
and also the others that wanted to try out something different =)
happy dining!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Learn from pain...

Today's quote:
Every celebrities have their on story so do the other normal individuals,
we saw their successiveness and we think they are fortunate.
However we never know how much effort each of them spent to earn it.
It may be painful, toilsome, risky, etc.
We shall not envious with the other's life, envious on the other's luckiness and successiveness.
Because each of us is an unique different individuals,
nobody share the same life story,
and nobody knows how much hard work has each of them put on.
Our life is in our hand.
so we shall work hard to create our very own story,
be brave and ready to hand on big responsibility because we have grown up.
Is so true that every successful person has a painful story,
and every painful story has a successful ending...
work hard and get over the pain!
remember success in not far from view =)

I miss you =(

Wonder how are you doing alone out there...
I wish i can come over and be with you all the time...
Miss the time we hang out together, miss the time we chat none stop...
how nice would it be if i can catch up with you everyday~reply my msg ok my dear friend?
it is my only wish for now...
cuz i miss u badly!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

play time!! haha

since is saturday=no class,
hand itch, feel like decorating my fingernails hahaha
but lack of ideas...bored with usual plain colouring and wish to do something different..
and i found this on youtube!! cute strawberry nails ^^
they are lovely!!

always salute Japanese creativeness and their trend on nail arts!
but they are too advance in head and i cant follow haha
and this is the one i found that can DIY without buying expensive tools.
besides strawberry i saw watermelon drawing on nails before as well and they are CUTE!!
hmmm maybe i shall consider to take nail art lesson one day to fulfill myself ^^
here are some other video clips for other design
arghhhh i wish i have all the colours and tools~~
then i can make mine as well
i think i will broke one day because of too much investment on nail LOL

Thursday, May 12, 2011

favourite song currently

click me click me nice song to share here ^^

sang by Christine Fan, FanFan -->>最重要的决定
sweet MV as well ^^
so many of them are getting married recently~
one of my high school classmate catch up in trend as well haha
and my piano teacher is also getting marry in year end ^^
wish them living happily ever after just like what story tale does =)

郁可唯 - 指望 KTV

Watched one of the Taiwanese series and get addicted with the song...
meaningful lyrics and the singer sings well where she fully voice up the feelings..
she's one of the Super Girl contestant though she did not win but yes i think she has a great voice

Ehhmm test testing 123

Halo halo!!
TEsting in progress ^^

this would be my 3rd blog after so long haha
thanks to our IT tutorial lecturer =)=)
shall fully utilize this blog and refresh the memory of blogging life lol
first day blogging after so long...
how do i feel??

=D be continue ;)